First Post

          Chiara Bautista is one of my absolute favorite illustrators. She is currently 40 years old and lives in Tuscan, Arizona. She is one that switches between the pencil and the computer. In this particular illustration, Chiara uses digital means to compose her work. This is the type of illustration that is representational. The wolf and the girl have a special relationship with one another, and the illustrator has made their relationship known just in the way their figures are placed. The wolf, made to represent the stars, is protectively placed over the girl, who is made to represent the moon. I think that this illustration is directed towards an audience that appreciates love and its mysteries. Not only does the pair have representations of the moon and stars, but they both have animal representations made known to the viewer. Obviously seen is the wolf, but the girl wears a rabbit mask on her head. This could be made to say that they are opposites, yet destined to coincide with one another. 
          Every illustration made has a purpose, and Chiara's purpose was to reflect her own insecurities and feelings towards love. 
The viewer is left with a better understanding of how others describe their feelings to one another. The words written across the sky help remind those who struggle with their feelings and own insecurities, to voice their feelings. The statement, "Have I mentioned that I love you today?" could have been said by either the girl or the wolf. I think that this is meant to be determined by the viewer. I chose this illustration because Chiara is someone I admire and hope to research more in the future for this class. I narrowed down to this particular illustration because I found commonality in its meaning. My own views reflected in the stars.